
General Information

Full Name Yitao Liu
Date of Birth 2004.09.17
Languages English, Chinese


  • 2021
    The University of Hong Kong
    • Computer Science
    • GPA 3.87/4.3
    • Dean's honors list

Research Experience

  • Feb, 2023 - Oct, 2023
    Research Assistant
    Department of Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong
    • Advised by Tao Yu
    • Research Interests


  • May, 2023 - now
    • An Open Platform for Language Agents in the wild
  • Sep, 2021 - now
    RIC Official Website
    • The official website of RIC, a student organization in HKU.

Honors and Awards

  • 2021 - 2025
    • HKU Undergraduate Entrance Scholarship for Outstanding Students
      • Full tuition covered
      • The highest honor for HKU undergraduate students
  • 2021 - 2022
    • Dean's Award for Engineering Students
      • Top 10 students in the Faculty of Engineering
  • 2021 - 2022
    • Dean's Honors List
      • Top 10% students in the Faculty of Engineering


  • Programming Languages
    • Python, C++, C, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Typescript, Bash, LaTeX, Markdown, Java
  • Languages
    • English - Fluent
    • Mandarin - Native